Doll quilts – Part I

My quilt guild is collecting doll quilts for Childhelp, a charity that gives dolls and teddy bears to children who’ve been abused.  They give little quilts with the dolls and teddy bears, so that the children know that someone cared enough to make something special for them.  Here’s the link, if you want to be involved:

I never participate in the charity activities at my guild – for which I should be ashamed – usually because I’m busy or working on other projects.  I decided that doll quilts would be the perfect activity.  They’re small, so they can be assembled quickly.  I pulled out scraps from previous projects to make them.  I have so many scraps, it’s not even funny, so I had plenty to choose from.

These two quilt tops are made from the scraps from P and J’s wedding present.  I had a lot of strips left over from the quilt.  I took the leftover blue strips, which were in pairs of twos.


I matched them up and made larger pieces of three strips each, with the same print on the outside and a different print for the inner strip.  I then cut them into squares.  I alternated the squares, laid out two by three.


I thought I’d have twelve, six for each quilt, but I ended up having fewer than I’d wanted, so I cut two squares from a different blue fabric to add to my second quilt top.


They’re approximately 14″ by 21″ – I think they said they wanted minimum 12″ by 20″ and I wanted to make sure I met those requirements.

I didn’t put them together with batting and backing or quilt them.  The guild is going to have a charity quilt bee, but I’ll be out of town, so I knew they’d be lovingly assembled and quilted.  I wanted to make as many quilt tops as I could, rather than making one finished quilt.

Next time: more quilt tops!