Handstitched Quilt Update

Hi habibis!  Here’s my update, a little delayed.

I’ve made more progress!  But it’s slow progress…

I’ve finished all the Storm at Sea subunits. Now I need to go back to the class instructions to refresh my memory on how to join them into the full-sized blocks and then I can actually put this border together!  The next border is more fusible applique, which I already know how to do, so from here on out the assembly should go quickly as long as I can spare the time for it.  April is already flying!

Handstitched Quilt Update

Hi habibis!  Happy Easter and happy Passover, if you celebrate them!

I’m a good six weeks (two months?) behind on this quilt – too many other projects keep getting in the way.   I can’t prioritize sewing for myself over sewing for others.  We were supposed to be finished in the next week or so, but I’m still stuck in the English paper piecing stage.  Here’s my progress so far:

So that’s about it. Who knows when I’ll finish the quilt…