Graduation Pillow for C

My cousin C just graduated with his PhD. That’s a huge deal! I decided to make him a pillow three days before we were leaving to attend the ceremony. His sister consulted on design options.

I had a 12″ x 16″ pillow form. Perfect size!

I chose 10″ dark blue and light blue squares for the pillow.  I embroidered the dark blue square with white thread. Then I cut up the light blue square to make a border. That got me to about 12.5″ square. I had chosen a coordinating book print to go with the solids – I love this print. I love the look of it, and C loves books! I used that print to add 2.5″ borders to the left and right and I also made the back from it.

The finished pillow looks great, and he loved it.



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